We know it can be challenging to find your place. That’s why, while there are many ways to get connected at Christ Church, we recommend you begin in one of the following ways.
Attend Alpha
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions designed to facilitate discussions on a wide variety of topics related to the Christian faith. What makes Alpha different is that it all takes place in an informal, fun, and friendly environment. We recommend that everyone begin with Alpha because it’s a great place to meet people, explore your faith, and experience the values of Christ Church first hand. (more)
Join a Life Group
Life is meant to be lived together – in community. Life Groups offer an opportunity to share life, grow in authentic relationships with each other and God, and impact the world with the love of Jesus. (more)
Serve on a Team
Knowing that faith is not merely something we talk about but is something we actually live out, serving plays a vital role in our life together as a church. (more)