Beth Dixon | Deacon and Director of Alpha & Connections

My husband, Mat, and I moved to Kansas City at Christmas time in 1997. We quickly found Christ Church, signed up to go through the Alpha Course, made some great new friends, and have been enthusiastically involved in this community ever since.

I love being part of great conversations and, over the years, I have been loved, encouraged, and challenged to grow in my faith through the relationships I’ve made in Alpha and Life Groups.

With that being said, my role on staff allows me to do the exact things I love – encouraging existing Life Group leaders and training new ones to lead their group in Bible reading, Spirit-led prayer and deep conversations, all the while being engaged in community which can provide an environment for life change.

My children, Andrew and Megan, would probably tell you that I also: ask too many questions, love to knit socks, and am obsessed with talking about and making modern quilts.