But What Shall We Proclaim?

Yesterday we talked about the importance of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. Our world needs the good news now as much as ever. Hope for great things seems to be at a low; anxiety looms heavy on so many as they face a pretty unstable world in many ways. The good news is for all times – especially times like these.

But what do we say?  What shall we proclaim?

The first step is to get in touch with what the good news is FOR YOU. How would you articulate the good news of what Jesus has done for you? How would you try to explain the blessings of being a child of God? If you were going to attempt to spell out the joy and hope that you hold on to, how would you put it?

Reacquaint yourself with the good news this week. I don’t just mean the good news abstractly, I mean the good news FOR YOU. If you can do this first step, then you are going to find that the words and ideas come much easier when you are given an opportunity to share about the love and grace of Jesus.

Maybe you could read a favorite scripture and try to rephrase it in a way that highlights the good news for you. Jason Veach (who crafted this series) highlights a couple other ideas for practicing proclamation.  Check them out below!

Have a great week!

This week’s practice is to share good news and speak graciously.

Some ideas:

  • Map out your spiritual journey and share it. On a timeline:
    1) Plot significant life events (people, places, vocation, etc.)
    2) Plot seasons of joy and loss
    3) Plot moments of spiritual dryness and growth
    4) Respond: Where have you seen God at work in your story? How can your story be shared with others?
  • Know someone who is struggling? Reach out intentionally with a word of grace or encouragement through a conversation, card, call, or text that expresses the good news that they are loved by God and that they are not alone.
  • Commit to say nothing negative or critical for a day. Take a “speech inventory” and record times or situations in which you were tempted to use harsh, negative, or critical words. How did these times affect your mood? Ask the Lord to change your heart and fill your words with grace.

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